Amini Carpets, Lake Rug
Amini Carpets, Lake Rug, ambient
Amini Carpets, Lake Rug, ambient detail

Amini Carpets

Lake Rug

A seductive carpet utterly unconventional, which evokes natural and exotic environments, offered in pure silk. The Lake rug adds a luxurious and lush look to any setting, recalling nature in unique subtle tones. Lake is part of the Wild Silk Collection, and is hand made in Nepal.

Amini Carpets 
> amini catalogue pdf file: 41 mb

Quality: 120.000 knots/sqm
Pile composition: 100% pure silk
Height: 7 mm
Technique: hand knotted
Finishing: the carpets are hand washed, clipped and carved. The fringes are revolved on the backside and covered with cloth.

250 cm x 300 cm
300 cm × 400 cm
Custom sizes available.
